وصف المنتج

Synthetic Roadranger SAE 50 is meticulously crafted from premium polyalphaolefin and ester full synthetic base oils, making it an ideal choice for Roadranger gearboxes and a versatile option for automotive and industrial applications where extreme pressure performance is not a primary concern. Its exceptional characteristics include an exceedingly high viscosity index and an impressively low pour point, resulting in the formation of a robust and highly adhesive film. This film, in turn, delivers superior protection against wear for gear teeth and bearings.

Moreover, Synthetic Roadranger SAE 50 is suitable in situations where the manufacturer’s recommendation aligns with the need for an API GL-1 service gear oil. In such cases, it proves to be a reliable option. Additionally, this synthetic lubricant finds application in mild gear oil scenarios, including certain manual transmissions, spiral bevel axle assemblies, and worm gear drives utilized in various commercial, farm, and truck equipment. Its versatility and dependable performance make it a valuable choice across a range of settings.



قم دائمًا بمراجعة دليل مالك سيارتك لمعرفة توصيات الشركة المصنعة بشأن مواد التشحيم.

خصائص نموذجية
Specific Gravity (kg/L)0.847
اللزوجة (cSt) @ 100سج17.8
@ 40سج132
مؤشر اللزوجة150
نقطة الوميض؛ COC (سج)252
نقطة صب (سج)– 39

متوفر في: 200 لتر و 20 لتر

رمز الصنف: VI4-2518

نموذج الطلب / المعلومات