وصف المنتج

Synplus SN/CF 5W/40 is a top-tier, full synthetic engine oil featuring low SAPS (Sulfated Ash, Phosphorous, and Sulfur) content, designed for super high performance. This advanced oil is the result of cutting-edge developments in oil formulation and additive technology, offering the highest level of engine protection.

في سوق السيارات اليوم الذي يهتم بالبيئة، حيث يعد تقليل الانبعاثات وتحسين كفاءة استهلاك الوقود أمرًا بالغ الأهمية، ظهرت تصميمات جديدة للمحركات، مما يستلزم استخدام مواد تشحيم عالية الجودة. تشكل المحركات الأصغر حجمًا ذات الأداء العالي، والتي تم تطويرها لتلبية معايير الاقتصاد في استهلاك الوقود الصارمة، تحديات محددة لمواد التشحيم:

• Increased Heat Output: Smaller engines generate higher temperatures, leading to accelerated oil oxidation, nitration, and deposit formation. These conditions degrade the oil and promote the formation of acidic compounds, which can result in increased viscosity.

• Increased Pressure and Speed: These engines operate at elevated pressures and speeds, making it more challenging for the oil to maintain a lubricating film that prevents metal-on-metal contact. This contact accelerates wear on components like the valve train.

• Emission Control: Many contemporary petrol engines come equipped with three-way catalytic converters designed to reduce emissions of CO, NOx, and unburned carbon. These catalytic converters consist of a reduction catalyst, which converts NOx to harmless nitrogen, and an oxidation catalyst that burns CO and hydrocarbons. However, catalytic converters are sensitive to SAPS (Sulfated Ash, Phosphorous, and Sulfur) found in engine oil detergents, antiwear additives, and base oils.

Synplus SN/CF 5W/40 is expertly formulated to address these specific demands and challenges, delivering exceptional protection and performance for engines, promoting environmental compliance, and ensuring extended engine life.


Synplus SN/CF 5W/40 يلبي أو يتجاوز مستويات الأداء المطلوبة التالية:

Mercedes Benz:229.31, 229.51, 226.5
BMW Longlife:LL-04
Renault:RN0700, RN0710

رقم واجهة برمجة التطبيقات: a modern passenger car gasoline engine oil service category requiring improved oxidation resistance and deposit protection which today’s smaller higher output engines demand, better wear protection for valve trains and reduced evaporative loss with less requirement for top up oil. API SM oils provide better low-temperature performance over the life of the oil, extended oil drain intervals in line with the engine manufacturers’ recommendations, and extended life for catalytic converters.

ACEA C3: Synplus SN/CF 5W/40 may also be used where oil meeting ACEA C3 is specified. ACEA C3 calls for stable stay-in-grade oils intended for use as a catalyst compatible lubricant in vehicles with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) and Three Way Catalysts (TWC) in high performance car, light van diesel and gasoline engines. These oils will help prolong the life of the DPF and TWC.

Daimler Chrysler MB229.51: Synplus SN/CF 5W/40 يمكن استخدامه عند طلب MB229.51. تلبي التركيبة الاصطناعية متطلبات التصريف الممتدة لمرسيدس بنز. سوف يقلل تطايره المنخفض من تبخر أجزاء الزيت الخفيفة مما قد يؤدي إلى سماكة الزيت وتركيز الملوثات وزيادة استهلاك الزيت.

BMW Longlife LL-04: Synplus SN/CF 5W/40 meets the environmentally driven BMW Longlife-04 oil standard. The low-SAPS formula keeps the engine and exhaust system clean which reduces harmful emissions. Low-SAPS technology helps reduce blocking in BMW’s particulate filters. Suitable for petrol and diesel models.

ACEA A3/B4 and A3/B3: Suitable for use in vehicles manufactured prior to 2009 requiring the ACEA A3/B4 or A3/B3 performance levels.

قم دائمًا بمراجعة دليل مالك سيارتك لمعرفة توصيات الشركة المصنعة بشأن مواد التشحيم.

خصائص نموذجية
الكثافة (كجم/لتر) @15سج0.856
اللزوجة (cSt) @100سج13.8
سي سي اس @ -30سج (ج ف)6250
مؤشر اللزوجة174
HTHS (CP)3.66
TBN (ملغ كوه / ز)7.3
الرماد الكبريتي (% بالوزن)0.77
محتوى الفوسفور (% بالوزن)0.08
محتوى الكبريت (% بالوزن)0.2
نقطة الوميض (سج)200

متوفر في: سائب، 1000 لتر، 200 لتر، 60 لتر، 20 لتر، 10 لتر، 5 لتر و1 لتر

رمز الصنف: VI1-2077

نموذج الطلب / المعلومات